QuickLiquidity Creates Fund to Solve Liquidity Issue for Real Estate Crowdfunding & Partnership Investors

By |3 min read|Published On: May 3rd, 2015|

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., April 14, 2015 – With widespread criticism citing the demand for greater liquidity for minority interest owners in real estate partnerships and real estate crowdfunding positions, QuickLiquidity is leading the charge by launching the world’s first fund dedicated to purchasing minority interest positions in commercial real estate partnerships. This would provide the much-needed liquidity to minority interest owners who no longer want to be boxed into an illiquid asset. Commissioner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Luis Aguilar (March 4, 2015) said, “investors who acquire these shares…may be left holding shares that they are unable to sell.”

Partnership InvestorsQuickLiquidity is a direct buyer of minority interest positions in commercial real estate partnerships. QuickLiquidity’s core focus is purchasing stabilized positions in traditional property types on a nationwide basis. Whether a thousand dollar investment in an online real estate crowdfunding project or a multi-million dollar investment in a commercial portfolio, QuickLiquidity is here to provide a reliable exit strategy. Some of the partnership type’s QuickLiquidity purchases in are Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Partnership (LP), Tenant-In-Common (TIC), and Delaware Statutory Trusts (DST).

While the QuickLiquidity name is new, the management team is not. Founded by H. Jack Miller who has extensive experience with minority interest and commercial real estate partnerships. During the recession, the QuickLiquidity founders saw the hardship that minority interest owners were facing due to the illiquidity of their investments. Having founded, managed, and invested in over a dozen real estate partnerships over the course of twenty-five years, the founders knew they had to do something. Management set out to pioneer the minority interest industry by providing real estate investors with a reliable exit strategy to an illiquid asset. The management team purchased their first minority interest position over seven years ago and is now looking to invest an additional $50 million in the next 18 months.

To determine the minority interest value, QuickLiquidity has created a proprietary modeling tool that takes into consideration over 20 different evaluation metrics. Some of the key metrics are the properties of current and historic cash flow, the legal partnership structure, and the properties current amount of debt. QuickLiquidity reviews all information available to determine the risks and rewards of each investment and then takes a risk-based pricing approach. QuickLiquidity has streamlined the minority interest sales process to allow transactions to be completed in as little as one week.

Partnership InvestmentsQuickLiquidity explains that some of the main reasons an investor might want to sell their minority interest position are that they either need access to quick capital, a diversion of interest might have occurred between the partnership investors, or another investment opportunity with higher yields might have arisen.

To keep up with the growing demand of real estate partnership investors needing a reliable exit strategy, QuickLiquidity has begun accepting applications from accredited investors wishing to invest in QuickLiquidity’s fund and be apart of the lucrative returns of purchasing minority interest positions in stabilized commercial real estate at a discounted value.

Press Inquiries:
Yoni Miller
Team(AT)QuickLiquidity.com / www.quickliquidity.com

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