H. Jack Miller Joins Ashley and Sara from Successfully Screwed Podcast

By |1 min read|Published On: August 26th, 2019|

Jack Miller - Gelt FinancialH. Jack Miller joins Ashley and Sara from the Successfully Screwed Podcast and talks about falling, failing and failure and overcoming obstacles.

From https://www.successfullyscrewedpodcast.com/

Jack Miller’s story this week on The Successfully Screwed Podcast probably represents the biggest financial loss in terms of the dollar amount of any of our guests so far.

But the truth is, a loss is a loss, so while YOU may not have never experienced a financial loss in the millions of dollars, you can still benefit from Gelt Financial, LLC’s story and the resources Jack used to rebuild!

He’s such a nice guy, too!

Click here to listen and leave us a comment about what you think!


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