Another quick commercial mortgage closing, San Antonio, Texas

Gelt closes collateral based first mortgage in San Antonio, Texas. Brought to us by a mortgage broker, closed very fast.

Jack: Okay, Marcy Berger, the angle is perfect. We’re making this video, Marcy. Super excited. You just use— What did you say right before this? This is our?
Marcy: This is our forte.
Jack: Another quick closing.
Marcy: This is our specialty, quick closings. That’s what I do. I thrive off of that.
Jack: San Antonio, Texas. It was a—
Marcy: It was. It used to be a business, and then the people, our borrowers, are buying it to move their business into it. Like, currently, they rent space in like four or five different places to sell their merchandise. And the owners of the company were like, “This is ridiculous. We’re paying over eight thousand dollars a month in rent.” So, they bought a building, and they’re moving their whole business in there. And they literally had to close the deal. Came in, I think, Christmas. Like, Christmas, actually. We issued a term sheet on Christmas, and it had a close by today, and we did it.
Jack: We did it. No appraisal, no third-party reports. Pretty much collateral based. It was, I don’t wanna say no income verification, but they didn’t have the income to substantiate it. I think the purchase price was around 600,000 or something like—
Marcy: 660,000.
Jack: And we lent them what, like four something?
Marcy: Yeah, we did 65% loan to value and—
Jack: And it came through a mortgage broker.
Marcy: Through a mortgage broker, and literally within, and I’m telling you, got it done within, and even with the holidays, it didn’t matter. We got it done.
Jack: We’re doing rush closings without appraisals all day long. Literally, this is constant. As Marcy said, this is our what? Forte. Modus operandi, quick closings. You call Gelt, we’ll get it done. 65% sometimes up to 70% LTV, sometimes 100% if you have other collateral. With other collateral, we’ll get it done real quick. You’re always going to speak to a decision maker. What else? Remember, oh, like our YouTuber TikTok, wherever you’re seeing this. Like it, subscribe, leave your comments, forward it, do whatever you want. Well, we answer questions. Check us out at Call us at 561-221-0900. Okay, check us out. Have a great day.”

Category: Deals Done

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