Gelt Financial president H. Jack Miller featured real estate expert on

By |1 min read|Published On: June 13th, 2024|

Gelt Financial president H. Jack Miller was recently featured as a real estate expert in the feature This Private Commercial Real Estate Lender Cuts Through the Clutter To Produce Money-Making Winson

Private lending, or hard money lending, uses property or other collateral rather than measures of creditworthiness to secure loans.

Collateral-based lending circumvents some bottlenecks associated with traditional bank lending, transferring capital to borrowers faster and with fewer restrictions. That’s especially important in commercial real estate, where opportunities speedily come and go in a dynamic marketplace. Florida-based Gelt Financial has been a nationwide force in private commercial real estate lending since 1989. Gelt has loaned more than $1 billion to help tens of thousands of entrepreneurs close deals and earn a return.


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