Cannabis Mortgages | Cannabis Business Loans

Gelt is now lending on Cannabis properties.

Marcy: Hi, it’s Marcy.
Mario: It’s Mario.
Jack: It’s Jack from Gelt Financial.
Marcy: We’re doing a shoutout today for cannabis.
Mario: Oh, yay, cannabis. So, we’re now supporting all the businesses that are related to legal cannabis business.
Jack: And hemp too, I think.
Marcy: Yeah.
Jack: I don’t really know the difference. Do you guys know the difference?
Marcy: No, there’s medical, and then there’s hemp.
Mario: Well, hemp is used to manufacture clothing, soap, and all that.
Marcy: Yeah, we’re talking about cannabis.
Mario: So, cannabis is for medical or recreational in states that are now accruing.
Jack: So, you can get hemp or pot in your soap.
Marcy: Yeah, you can get it in any way. You can eat it; you can rub it on.
Mario: Well, hemp is just a variation.
Marcy: Anyway, so we’re reaching out there. So, we’re looking for storefronts, we’re looking for anyone that’s going to be looking to put their… or investing in this and looking for a place to sell your products. So, we’re there to finance the collateral. So, we’re doing a shoutout for this business.
Mario: We want to support you.
Jack: We’re now lending on cannabis and hemp properties. Check us out at Call us at 561-221-0900.
Marcy: My extension’s 103. I’m the best, so call me.
Mario: Well, I’m second best, so you can call 110 if she’s not available.
Marcy: It doesn’t matter; we all work together.
Jack: That’s right; we work as a team. Don’t forget to like the video, and most importantly, like our YouTube channel and have a great day. Take care; we’re excited to get into this new industry.”

Category: Loan Programs

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