A Very Grateful Mortgage Broker and What He Has to Say About Gelt Financial
We work all day long with mortgage brokers and borrowers, its always nice to hear what they have to say about us and the service levels at Gelt Financial. Our borrowers and mortgage brokers are always so thankful to us and a pleasure to deal with.
“So, I received another fantastic email that I’m incredibly proud of. A mortgage broker presented us a deal a while ago. It took a long time, and the borrower had all kinds of problems—problems with the title, problems with the business. He was forced to take very high-rate MCA (Merchant Cash Advance) loans. But ultimately, we persisted and closed the loan, and the borrower saved an absolute fortune.
We saved his backside, excuse my expression, but I want to read you some of what the mortgage broker sent in an email to Marcy and I. Marcy and Team Gelt—actually, it wasn’t even to me; it was to Marcy and Team Gelt. I guess I’m part of Team Gelt. Marcy and Team Gelt, thank you for being, quite honestly, and absolutely the best hard money there is out there! I’m not going to read the name of the borrower. It was a particularly hard situation, and you managed to close it and resolve it with all his outstanding issues. Again, this is another case where someone got themselves in trouble through no fault of their own, through business. We came in, we delivered, we saved the day.
This is what we do at Gelt Financial, time and time again. I made one of these videos a couple of weeks ago. I’m making it again, but I get emails, and I’m copied on the emails constantly, that people are grateful for the work we do. We’re providing capital that they desperately need, and when, frankly, banks won’t do it, and we deliver with what we say. So, I’m super proud of our team at Gelt Financial, and I just wanted to make this to let everyone know how proud I am. Remember, if you need financing, check us out at geltfinancial.com.”
Category: Testimonials