When you think about hard money loans, unconsciously, your brain pops out a photo of shady lenders who do business in alleys or in pseudo-offices with a hidden agenda [...]
3 min readPublished On: October 21st, 2019Categories: Commercial and Investment Real Estate, Hard Money Loans, LoansWhen you need someone who can move fast, understands the deals, is flexible, and has experience with Chapter 11 Bankruptcies. We are here for you.An attorney for DIP calls me [...]
1 min readPublished On: March 17th, 2018Categories: Bankruptcy, DIPWho is your lender, is as important as what deal you get... Since 1989. In the past week some examples of how we work with our borrowers. 1. One of [...]
0 min readPublished On: March 7th, 2018Categories: Commercial and Investment Real Estate, Gelt FinancialWe love closing loans and helping small business owners and investors in commercial real estate: Closed cash-out refinance of Fix and Hold Single-family rental property in New Jersey. Borrower purchased [...]
0 min readPublished On: October 30th, 2017Categories: Commercial and Investment Real Estate, Fix and Hold